Ex contact point

Substantive support in the Ex area
Responsibility for an adequate level of safety in the workplace lies with the employer (assessment of the risk of an explosion, EPD …)

Ex contact point

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In this section we present the latest events from the Ex world both in the European Union and the
international community.

ATEX Guidelines 3rd edition (May 2020) published

In May 2020, the next (already third) edition of the guide to Directive 2014/34 / EU (ATEX) was published. The guide is a very useful document. It not only gives interpretations of individual provisions of the Directive but is also a binding interpretation of the...

EN 1127-1 new edition has just arrived

Just (08.2019) the long-awaited next edition of the EN 1127-1 standard has been released. The standard, which is the basic standard in the scope of Directive 2014/34 / EU (ATEX), is also harmonized with the machinery directive (MD: 2006/42 / EC). In the case of the MD...

The law and technical safety in a European and national perspective.

  On November 14, 2018, in the Column Hall of the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology in Warsaw, a conference took place: The law and technical safety in a European and national perspective. W dziale „do pobrania” umieszczono prezentację do jednego z czterech...

Interesting links

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